The longer, the better

This is a little intervention in a flat owned by expats in Amsterdam who wanted to increase the value of their property and therefore being able to raise the monthly fee for renting it out.

The flat was going to be rented completely furnished. What was missing was a design for the white wall where the beamer is projecting. 
Once the beamer is not in use it looks too blunt and not cozy at all. 
I came up with three proposals.

Here is the completed work. The longest shelf I have ever made. 6 meters long. 
The wood used is plantage teak, a sort of teak with quite strong variations in color. It has been varnished 3 times.

Here is another little work in the bathroom. The wooden doors of sink custom furniture were completely bent because of the moist. A metal profile has been placed between the front wood and the back panel, solving the issue and preventing it to arise again. Also the leak of the bathtub has been repaired, replacing the silicon all around the tub. 
I have called this Bath-lifting... LOL