How to furnish a small studio


This small studio apartment is less than 30 square meters. 
Here some ideas to improve the quality of the space.

Weak points:

  • Table too big, it doesn't fit the room;
  • White wall which runs from one side to the back is hollow and the painting cannot fill the emptiness. Both sofa and bed are facing this wall, therefore there is the need to make it more interesting; 
  • The bookshelf in front of the bed is handmade and the inspiration for my proposal. It does add some nice feature to the flat but it is not enough.


In the middle of  the studio there is abundance of space not utilized: 1600 mm wide corridor and nothing facing the white wall. That's a waste of space. An idea would be: add a plant to fill the void!... Yes, but isn't it the saddest place on earth for a plant to grow!?

I have been visiting several museum last year. 
One of the last one i had the chance to visit was Nemo: science museum for kids.

In the section "World of shapes" I got struck by this video about the relationship between numbers and beauty in arts: painting art and architecture. 

The design of the new wall is based on golden sections. 
I gave them different functions and sizes: 

  • tv;
  • art (one big single painting or a collection);
  • leaf-table (to be opened only in need to host people for a dinner);
  • vertical garden (to have fresh parsley, chives and the like);
  • high stools and desk (to have breakfast, meals and store papers);
  • drinks (higher to avoid eye contact);
  • ironing board (closet for product to clean house, clothes & co.);
  • books;
  • heating.

Art from Chiel van Zelst